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AgilePoint, Inc (Formerly Ascentn Corporation) has developed the first comprehensive BPM solution for the Microsoft platform. AgilePoint’s deep enterprise experience and its utilization of the latest Microsoft technology enable it to provide the first secure, reliable, scalable, and affordable BPMS solution on the market. AgilePoint’s solution is designed to enable business users to quickly implement and deploy cross-functional and cross-organizational business processes in the form of process-based applications, all while in an easy-to-use process-modeling environment running on their desktops using reusable business activity modules and executable functional parts built by IT. The result is the first Microsoft based BPMS to rival its J2EE counterparts in functionality, scalability, and extensibility while surpassing in usability and manageability, all at up to five times cheaper than its J2EE counterparts. AgilePoint changed its name from Ascentn to AgilePoint in 2009 to align with the name of its flagship product ‘AgilePoint.’ No management or company structure change incurred due to the name change.
AgilePoint BPMS solutions help businesses quickly and cost-effectively achieve business agility while increasing profitability through optimized process and integration efficiency. AgilePoint bridges management intent and execution by digitizing best practices, subject matter expertise, and business process models into executable and manageable procedures that can be easily built and deployed by business users using reusable and executable functional parts built by IT. This directs effective and agile business executions between people, people and systems, and between systems, while enabling the company to become a self-improving ecosystem capable of continuously optimizing business operations efficiency.
AgilePoint BPM Suite: model gedreven BPMS zonder veel IT codesDe ultieme visie t.a.v. BPM belooft u een flexibele organisatie waarin nieuwe processen in uren i.p.v. in dagen, weken of zelfs maanden geimplementeerd kunnen worden. Om dit te realiseren moet "de business" meer zelfstandig te werk kunnen gaan zonder dat IT steeds maar weer ingeschakeld moet worden. Business moet zelf procesmodellen kunnen aanpassen en direct in productie brengen om adequaat te kunnen reageren op veranderende omstandigheden en real-time informatie over de procesuitvoering te verkrijgen en hierop weer processen aan te passen (continuous change). Met AgilePoint, een zogenaamde model-driven BPMS, wordt de business in staat gesteld haar rol nu werkelijk te kunnen nemen en directe aanpassingen in een procesmodel door te voeren of een vorige versie van een model terug te zetten. AgilePoint Envision biedt u de standaard schema's uit Microsoft Visio aangevuld met AgilePoint eigen schema's. Wanneer de business een bepaalde integratie met een ander informatiesysteem wenst, sleept hij eenvoudig een eerder door IT vrij gegeven "lego blokje" (de zogenaamde AgilePart(s) of AgileWork(s)) in het model zonder zich te hoeven bekommeren over de juiste codes om informatie in of uit het andere systeem of database te halen.
How far do you want your BPMS to take you? Ahead of your competitors? Beyond your customers’ expectations?
AgilePoint is the only BPMS that is built to take you from entry-level automation projects all of the way to process-enabled operational excellence.
Priced to compete with simple workflow tools, but built to perform beyond any competing Enterprise BPMS, AgilePoint delivers the best price-to-performance ratio in the market by a large margin.
The AgilePoint BPM Suite will help your business solve challenging business problems quickly, delivering on the often promised but rarely delivered cross-functional collaboration that will result in greater efficiency, improved quality, greater margins, and greater end-customer satisfaction.
The AgilePoint BPM Suite delivers business process management into the hands of the business user. Unlike most other BPM and workflow solutions where business users can only design a process graphically and then require engineers to develop custom code, AgilePoint BPM allows users to both design and deploy the process. This ensures that those most familiar with the needs of the business are the ones implementing the process.
The AgilePoint BMP Suite is comprised of 3 components:
A Microsoft Visio extension that allows users to develop business processes using a tool they already know. Learn more.
Process engine that executes the processes developed with AgilePoint Envision. Learn more.
Allows administrators and business users to manage the AgilePoint Server and processes. Learn more.
AgilePoint BPM is used by many of the Global 2000 companies to solve complex process challenges that cross functional boundaries and involve many different business systems throughout their organization. AgilePoint customers use the AgilePoint BPM Suite to automate processes between the following lines of business (LoB):